
Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson Summary (Chapter 1 - 4)


The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Robert Louis Stevenson

Summary (Chapter 1 - 4)

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is an allegory about the good and evil present in every human being. The tale of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is mostly told in the perspective of Dr Gabriel John Utterson, a lawyer. The gothic novella opens with Mr Richard Enfield witnessing a horrible incident during the early hours of a morning. As Mr Enfield could not sleep, he walks down the street. He sees a little girl of 12 years old walking fast. On the opposite side, another man of a short stature collides with the girl. They both fall down and the man tramples on the little girl and leaves her injured on the street. Mr Enfield realises that the girl would get help as people start coming out of the house. 


Mr Enfield wants to get hold of the horrible man and so he pursues him and brings him back to the crowd. The angry mob waits to punish the wicked man. The doctor arrives soon and confirms that the little girl is in deep shock. Mr Enfield convinces the strange man, named Mr Hyde, to give money to the poor girl in compensation for the injury he had caused. 


Mr Enfield, demands hundred pounds from Mr Hyde, who takes him and the girl’s father to his house. Mr Hyde hands over ten pounds and a cheque for ninety pounds signed by a renowned doctor named Jekyll. The cheque confuses Mr Enfield and makes him wonder if Mr Hyde is blackmailing Dr Jekyll for some reason.


Mr Enfield narrates the incident to his uncle Mr Utterson, who is also a good friend of Dr Jekyll. Mr Utterson is a prominent London lawyer and is already perturbed by Dr Jekyll’s will. The will states that the entire possession of Dr Jekyll should be transferred to his friend Mr Hyde, on the event of his death. It also stated that Mr Hyde should immediately step in the position of Dr Jekyll owing to his disappearance for a period more than three months.


Mr Utterson decides to find the mystery behind the strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. He reaches the door of an old house and waits for a long time. His wait is rewarded with the arrival of Mr Hyde whom Mr Utterson surprises with greetings and says that he knows the place as the back door of Dr Jekyll’s laboratory. They indulge in a short conversation and part ways.


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